These are our Results

The results of the INAIR project


Research to identify multi-level AI skills needs and gaps for MSMEs working in the Retail sector. The research report will collect both the findings and conclusions of the transnational research work, and recommendations and guidelines for designing an AI Core curriculum for MSMEs in Retail. Particularly, through desk research and co-creation workshops with relevant industry experts, the consortium will analyse in the countries involved the gaps in two key areas, such as ESCO’s transversal, information and digital skills needed to adopt AI, and sector-specific technical skills needed to adopt AI.


The Curriculum will cover the fundamentals of AI and its applications for greening retailers and supporting them in optimizing resources and processes. Co-created with educators and industry experts, the curriculum will address the transversal, green, information, digital and technical skills needed to adopt AI to make their companies, processes and products more sustainable, following ESCO’s classification. The curriculum will cover a map of relevant web-based AI tools meeting the requirements defined in The Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence developed by the EC’s High-Level Expert Group on AI. The curriculum will be built on the fractal educational model, and embed modular learning approaches. Proficiency in the different domains will be defined via an AI Skills Assessment Tool, aimed at objectively assessing the knowledge and skills linked to the domain defined in the AI skills needs and gaps analysis.


Through the Open Educational Resources, the consortium will transform the content outlined in the Learning Blocks into interactive learning resources (e.g., learning modules, interactive tools and simulations, learning games, and quizzes). The OERs will be developed in ENG and each partner’s language and validated with industry experts.


The Environment will serve as a platform to deliver the Open Educational Resources developed in the project and provide tailored learning experiences on AI for owners and employees of MSMEs in Retail. The platform’s User Interface will be designed by experts in cognitive ergonomics, to contribute to enabling technology acquisition, increasing learners' interaction with the online learning environment and content, and decreasing the cognitive fluency required to learn complex technologies like AI. Furthermore, a Practical Guide for Facilitators will be developed to support Continuing vocational education and training providers in integrating the project AI skills development solutions into their work.